Completed Manuscripts

SOULMATCH - Publishing 2025!

YA Speculative Romance

94,000 words

On her 18th birthday, Sivon must report to the institute to learn her past lives. Good soul or bad, her results will be published for the world to see... and judge.

The Sh!T We Don’t Talk About

YA Contemporary Romance

76,000 words

As a promising musician, Ellie can't miss another year at her performing arts high school, but the ugly secret behind her absence must be hidden at all costs.

Our wicked Deeds

YA Dark Academia

76,000 words

After his parents kick him out, Roth will do whatever it takes to afford MIT, even if that means striking back at the diabolical bwitch sabotaging his robotics competition.

Work In Progress

The above manuscripts are stand-alone novels that come to satisfying conclusions, but some side-characters may want their own stories told someday. (wink wink)

I have over two dozen ideas for other novels, but next up, I plan to write a YA Paranormal about a teen medium whose dead best friend tries to set her up with the guy who killed her.