Our Wicked Deeds

YA Contemporary Romance

76,000 words

There’s No Disgrace Like Home.

At least that’s how Roth feels about his family’s sheep farm in rural Kansas. So when his parents kick him out, landing him at Aunt Em and Uncle Henry’s house in Washington DC, Roth resolves to never go back. Now he needs to figure out how to pay freshman year tuition for MIT. Anyone got a spare 80K lying around?

The answer falls in his lap on his first day at Oz High when a motley crew recruits Roth to join their robotics team, promising a hefty scholarship win. But this town and this school run on political divides. Like most students, Roth is herded into the anti-Mira camp, an easy alliance considering she’s their strongest competitor and an insufferable bwitch. As Mira’s attempts to obstruct her rivals grow ever more wicked, Roth begins to strike back… until his home and a potential scholarship aren’t the only things he’s losing.

Roth Gale from the Young Adult Novel, Our Wicked Deeds, by Rebecca Danzenbaker. He's a teenaged, brunette Paul newman, wearing a black blazer and green tie.